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This guide covers creating and managing projects within the DevAssure application. Projects serve as the foundation for organizing test data specific to your development endeavors.


  • You have created a DevAssure account.
  • You have created a Project. See Create Project
  • You have downloaded and activated DevAssure App.

Initialize a Project

After creating the project, the next step is to initialize it.

  • Launch the DevAssure App.
  • In the Welcome screen, click on Initialize Project
  • Select the specific project you want to initialize for working with DevAssure.
  • Select a suitable location on your system to store the project's files. It's recommended to save these files within your application's codebase to ensure seamless integration with your version control system (VCS).
Initialize project
  • A new folder, named after the project, will be automatically created within the chosen directory, and all relevant project files will be stored in this location.

  • Click Initialize Project. The project will then be listed in the explorer.

  • Alternatively, users can initialize a Git repository directly within their DevAssure project folder to manage project files remotely.
  • Users are encouraged to store their files in their source control repository.

  • It is advisable to save files within the application codebase, promoting a shift-left testing approach and enabling automation to run concurrently with development code.

Open a Project

To open an already existing project:

  • Click Open Project from home screen and select the project location from File explorer.
  • Open tpp.json from the project directory and Click on Open Project

The projects that have been recently accessed will appear in the Recent Projects section.

Close a Project

To close a project, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Projects in the menu bar.
  • Click on Close Project.